The icon Amen was created as a project for the World Youth Day in Panama and Lisbon. It is made by stamping (using a pencil with an eraser and acrylic paints).
The little dots signify all the peoples in the world.
The icon was created in 2017 by young Catholics who live in Denmark and come from 30 different countries. They gathered at Saint Anne's Parish in Copenhagen. Catholics in Denmark, although only 1 % of the population, represent over 100 nationalities. They are young people coming from different cultures, with different views, traditions, most often students and working adults of various professions. Creators of the icon were not artists! They were amateurs. Their involvement in the creation of the icon resulted in them seeing themselves in a different light. They discovered that there is strength in the community. They put their stamps like "seals" of themselves, thus expressing their thoughts, feelings, desires and longings. Everyone could and can find themselves in them.
The small stamps from which the icon was created can be compared to a seal on the human heart, which is the gift of being a child of God. We have become God's children through baptism. One specific dot is one specific person. The multitude of dots making up the icon can be compared to the community of the Church bound by the knot of love. In this community, the Family of God, there are saints and sinners. The most important thing, however, is that in God's eyes every person is valuable, unique and, above all, loved. Such a pearl is Mary, such a pearl in God's hand is also every human being. God invites us together, in community, to create a beautiful image which is the Church of Christ.
God wants our life, symbolized by a small dot on the icon, to shine in His presence and become a precious pearl.
Do you want to be a pearl in God's hand?