The rosary prayer has infinite power and can change you and your surroundings, it can change the fate of the world, it can save your earthly life and eternal life, it can heal your body and soul, it can awaken in you and others longing for God.
Mary was closest to Jesus, she knows him best and therefore, she will lead us to him. Let us pray with Mary, as we contemplate the life of Jesus Christ.
The rosary is the most powerful weapon in the fight against an evil spirit.
Together, we set out on the path of pilgrimage to Heaven, while holding Mary's hand.
The whole world prays the rosary.
We will make the rosary this way.
- Hail Mary ... in the mother tongue / young people from all over the world pray
- Our Father ... in Latin / priests from all continents pray
- Glory be to the Father … in Latin / religious sisters from all continents pray
- I believe in God the Father ... in Latin / prays Bishop
In this way, we pray with the whole Church and for the whole Church, for the strengthening of faith and love for God and people, and for the Pope and the unity of the Church throughout the world.
Do you want to help building a strong family with God through the rosary?